Example of Web Penetration Test

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Open Redirect and Reflected XSS are both common web security vulnerabilities, but they are distinct in nature:

  • Open Redirect: This vulnerability occurs when a web application takes a user-supplied input, such as a URL parameter, and redirects the user to the supplied URL without proper validation. Attackers can exploit this vulnerability to redirect users to malicious websites, phishing pages, or other dangerous destinations. Open redirects are often used in combination with social engineering techniques to trick users into visiting malicious sites.Example:

  • http://example.com/redirect?url=https://malicious-site.com

  • In this example above, the URL parameter is directly used in a redirect without proper validation, allowing an attacker to craft a URL that redirects users to a malicious site.

  • Reflected XSS (Cross-Site Scripting): Reflected XSS occurs when an attacker injects malicious scripts into input fields or URLs that are then reflected back to the user by the web application. When the victim visits a specially crafted URL or interacts with a compromised input field, the injected script executes in the context of the victim’s browser. This allows attackers to steal cookies, session tokens, or other sensitive information, perform actions on behalf of the victim, or deface the website.

  • Example:


  • In this example, the search query parameter (q) reflects the injected script back to the user’s browser without proper sanitization, resulting in the execution of the XSS payload.

In summary, while both Open Redirect and Reflected XSS involve user-supplied input that is reflected back to the user by the web application, Open Redirect redirects the user to a different URL, potentially leading to malicious destinations, whereas Reflected XSS executes malicious scripts within the context of the victim’s browser.

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Open Redirect and Reflected XSS
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